What is Rogaining?
Rogaining is the sport of long distance cross-country navigation in which teams of two to five members visit as many checkpoints as possible in twenty-four hours. Teams travel entirely on foot, navigating by map and compass between checkpoints in terrain that varies from open farmland to hilly forest. A central base camp provides hot meals throughout the event and teams may return at any time to eat, rest or sleep. Teams travel at their own pace and anyone from children to grandparents can experience the personal satisfaction that comes from cross-country navigation at their own level of competition and comfort.
Volunteer Grid
Here is a table of volunteers and openings for this years events.
Notice of AGM Sunday 23 Feb 1:30pm
WARA’s 2025 annual general meeting (AGM) will be held at 1.30pm, Sunday 23 February. It will be at Ascot kayak Club (1st floor function area), 1 Fauntleroy Ave, Ascot.
The business of the AGM will be:
- Receive the President's Report for 2024
- Receive and approve the audited financial reports for WARA's 2024 financial year
- Receive and approve the 2024 AGM minutes
- Elect 2025 committee
- Note updates to Bank of Queensland signatories to new Executive office bearers (if changed)
- Appoint an auditor for 2025
- General business raised
As part of general business, the committee will be available to discuss any matters of interest or concern.
While all the office bearers are renominating for 2025, as are most committee members, fresh faces are always welcome on the committee. So if you want to contribute to the club’s development and learn more about how a club is managed, why not consider nominating? The nomination form is on WARA’s web page (under WARA Policies). Please return nominations to WARA’s secretary by 16 February (7 days before the AGM) at
Please come along, whether you intend to nominate for a position or not, to ensure we have the necessary quorum.
Please let the club secretary, Chris Ryan know via
WARA Commitment to Child Safe Organisation
WARA is actioning the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
The WA Rogaining Association (WARA) has created a subcommittee tasked with implementation of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. WARA is committed to safety of all its members and our approach to keeping children and young people safe is an extension of that.
So far, the subcommittee has completed a self-assessment of WARA's existing child safe practices, attended workshops, and met with relevant people within the Department of Communities' Child Protection Unit, the Department of Local Government Sport and Culture and SportWest to understand, navigate and start to action the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.