postheadericon Surf's Up...Side Down Results


Surf's Up...Side Down 12hr USD Rogaine - 20 February 2021

Route mapping for all teams

Overall Team Members Awards Score Elapsed
1 7MV Andre Morkel, Joel Tate, Paul Williams 1M,1MV,1st 2580 11:58:45
2 1MJ Ignatius Johnston, Camillus Johnston 2M,1MJ,2nd 2130 11:43:35
3 11X Kellie Whitfield, Tom Chadbourne 1X,3rd 2100 11:22:07
4 10MV Owen Horton, Grand Joldes 3M,4th 1960 11:52:26
5 23XVS Rodney Hamilton, Susan Hamilton 2X,1XV,1XS,5th 1550 11:38:39
6 17MVS Alan Kerr, David Longman 1MS,6th 1360 10:50:19
7 12MVSU Brian Austin, Chip Lundstrom 1MU,7th 1310 10:51:00
8 9MV James Baxter, Marco Van Staden 8th 1290 11:29:03
9 8X Matt Sims, Sarah Althorpe 3X,9th 1090 11:20:10
10 32M Guy McDonald, Markus Davey, Daniel Hunt 10th 1060 9:24:07
11 3M Robert Cugley, Jace Cugley . 1050 11:49:10
12 31M Sturt Mcdonald, Gary Trafford, Linton Unger, Kyle Botterill, Liam Williams . 1000 7:55:20
13 13WVS Serena Davie, Wendy Binks 1W,1WV,1WS 960 11:55:54
14 25W Sara Culverhouse, Christine Jenkins, Laurie Keegan 2W 940 9:07:58
15 28M Timothy Sharp, Shaphan Cox . 890 8:15:34
16 26X Rosie Elliott, Aiden McIntosh, Alexis Salting . 820 10:13:52
17 4X Chelsea McCann, Stephen Fairley . 800 8:12:34
18 38X Ashley Holland, Tegan Case . 790 11:08:26
19 20XVSU Rob West, Lois West 1XU 660 5:29:21
20 29X Lynda Frewer, Corinne Mercer, Ben Veale . 660 7:05:13
21 39MV Peter Mann, Peter Trenaman . 650 11:44:22
22 34M Jordan King, Jack Eaton . 550 11:32:05
23 14MN Ryno Fourie, Alexander Galonski 1N 510 11:51:22
24 24MN Richard Varhol, Misha Varhol . 460 10:35:05
25 19W Claire O'Callaghan, Emily Mignacca 3W 300 11:35:32
26 18XV Sandra Swain, Mike Clark . 300 12:01:13
27 22XV Robert Wilton, Shirley Graham, Jennifer Wilton . 250 11:11:47
28 30XF Andrew Bates, Megan Bates, Sarah Bates 1F 210 4:14:22
29 2XF Paul Johnston, Benedicta Johnston, Venantius Johnston . 170 11:55:18
30 27XVS Claire Matthews, Eddie Kovac . 140 7:39:04
31 21W Maia Bobrowicz, Tahirh Windsor, Alice Taylor . 30 8:54:21
32 6WV Selina Wilson, Virginia Abson, Patsy Roche . -20 12:14:56
DSQ 16XVS Chris Lee, Sue Lee . tag lost 0:00:00

M=Men, W=Women, X=Mixed
V=Veteran, S=SuperVet, U=UltraVet, J=Junior, I=University, F=Family, N=Novice




Last Updated (Monday, 08 March 2021 19:48)

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