All rogaines and supporting WARA activities are organised and carried out by volunteers - that is how the WARA functions and why the cost of participating is so low.

30th Anniversary Rogaine Hash Small

The WARA Committee are our elected volunteers, and in addition many generous members take on annual roles to make sure events are at interesting venues, advertised, catered for, supplied with working equipment etc AND run smoothly.

Thanks to all those who have volunteered in past events. You can check out past volunteers in the volunteers hall of fame.

However additional help is always needed for each rogaine.

If you have done 5 or more events since you last volunteered, then it's time for you to step up.

WIIFM? “What's in it for me?

As a valued volunteer you will be supporting a wonderful organisation – WARA - by sharing the load and contributing your unique skillset. In addition, you will meet interesting people, develop new skills, gain experience in different roles, learn from others, maybe experience the release of “feel good” chemicals like oxytocin and vasopressin, which can create a "helpers high".

Depending on the volunteer role you may either participate in the rogaine or just grab a map & compass and take a walk between duties. Coles or Woollies vouchers are an added incentive.

Event Volunteering

To volunteer before, during or after an event, check out the information below then go to the volunteer grid, pick a suitable date and role and email the volunteer coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Not sure what to volunteer for? or how to volunteer? then read on...

Event roles include

  • Setters & Vetters
  • Control Collection
  • Safety Officer
  • First Aid Officer
  • Admin
  • Event set up & pack up
  • Camp Manager
  • Hash House
  • Truck Driver
  • Trailer driver
  • Truck loading & unloading

For most roles, there is a manual here that you can read, along with training that you will be invited to 1-2 weeks before the event. On the day you will be part of a team so if you are still unsure of anything you can simply ask.

If you're unsure of what to volunteer for, then read on!

Hash (cooking)
Setting & Vetting
First Aid
Truck Driver
Truck loading
Trailer Driver

Also, the collection of volunteer manuals are available here.

You are part of a team responsible for the scoring and administration of the event.
Your roles will include:
Ensure all team members are present before handing out tags/maps, collecting any monies owed, missing information, and the like.
Issue each competitor with electronic tags attached via tamper proof wristbands at the start of the event
Remove electronic tags when team returns and is not going out again.
Process electronic tags through the fully computerised scoring system.

Hash (cooking)

Hash House

You will be part of a team that is cooking for hundreds of people, but don't let that put you off! Even if you are not Jamie Oliver it doesn't matter, as there are straightforward instructions to follow for WARA-style food preparation. You may even learn the simple secret to making WARA-quality rice!


  • Children 15 years and older may volunteer for the Hash House but only in the company of a Parent/Guardian or Mentor/Cadet leader. Mentors and Cadet leaders should have a current WWC registered with WARA.

Time Commitment - Depends on the length of Rogaine

  • Possibly a couple of hours on the Friday night
  • A roster will be organised for the duration of the rogaine

Hash House tasks include

  • Help set up cooking equipment
  • Prepare food - eg: Assemble cheesies cut cakes, cut up mushrooms, etc.
  • Cook food
  • Keep a supply of hot water available
  • Clean up pots, etc. as you go.
  • Chat to fellow volunteers & hungry rogainers about anything and everything from rogaining to the meaning of life.
  • Help pack up the cooking equipment

First Time?

A comprehensive Duties List and training video has been developed for 12- and 24-hour rogaines and is available from the nominated Hash Leader or Volunteer Coordinator. training video by Steve Sertis

Additional resources are here


Setting & Vetting
Setting or vetting an event will improve your rogaining.  As there are no controls to confirm your location, to place a control perfectly, you have to utilise all your previously-acquired rogaining skills - map reading, pace counting and compass skills (with a good dose of concentration thrown in).  It makes for some of the best rogaining practice possible, as well as being a rewarding and enjoyable experience in its own right. Don't feel you will be on your own, the committee can offer assistance and help if you run across any issues, and there is a Setting & Vetting Seminar held each year that will help prepare you for the task.

Not counting the time required to hang controls just before the event, you will normally spend about six days in the field for a 24 and 12 hour event and about four days for a 6 hour event.  Meeting with and seeking approval from landowners is normally a setter’s task, and this will add to the time required.  Areas that provide good access by vehicle, such as farms, will require less time.
During the day before the event both the setters and vetters are expected to pitch in and assist with the establishment of the hash house site, unloading the truck and the erecting of tents. Other volunteers and competitors will be available to help with this. Taking direction from the Camp Manager is helpful if you are new to the task.

First Aid
WARA will pay for members' first aid training or refresher courses. All you need to do in return is to occasionally be our first aid
officer at events. Typical ailments you would be called upon to give first aid for could include strains, sprains, scrapes, blisters, and splinters.
The nearest hospital is informed for all bush rogaines that an event is being held in the area, and a list containg the location of and contact details for the nearest emergency services such as hospitals, police and fire brigade is given by the setters to the administration leader and safety officer prior to the event.

Truck Driver
The truck driver has to have a suitable truck licence (MR) and be available from Thurdsay afternoon to pick up the truck, and all day Friday to get to the event. For a 24 hour vent the truck driver may not compete in the rogaine for safety reasons.
On Thursday after the truck has been picked up, you head over to the equipment storage shed where a bunch of people help loading the WARA equipment into the truck.
On Friday you call in to the catering place to pick up the food, before heading on out to the rogaining site where the equipment is unloaded with the help of another bunch of people.
On Sunday almost the reverse happens; the equipment is loaded at the rogaining site, and unloaded again at the equipment shed before you take the truck back to the hire place.

Truck loading
On Thursday of the week of the rogaine, you head over to the equipment shed in the late afternoon to assist in packing the truck with WARA gear. This includes tents, tables, boxes of cooking gear, and various other pieces of rogaining equipment. Make sure you wear clothes and footwear suitable to the task, and it may pay to bring a pair of gloves with you to protect your hands.

Trailer Driver
You will tow the trailer containing the WARA power system and other miscellaneous equipment to the rogaine, so a suitably sized car with a towball is a must. You simply have to pick up the trailer from the equipment shed, get the rogaine with the trailer in a timely manner, and take the trailer back to the equipment shed on the Sunday.