Newsletter in PDF format
In this issue:
- The Jarrahdale Jaunt p1
- What a Novelty-O! p1
- Volunteer Grid p3
- Paul’s Presidential Ponderings p4
- Setting and Vetting Seminar p4
- Results: Down South - Australasian Championship p5-7
- Results: Down South - WA Schools Rogaine Championship p8
- Results: Down South Interstate Challenge p8
- Top Ten Report: team 76M, 10th p8
- Down South: Photoes p9, 13-14
- Down South - Winners Route and Report p10-11
- Set and Vet Safely p11
- Top Ten Report: 58XV, 3rd p12
- Jarrahdale Jaunt - Event Entry Form p15-16
- What a Novelty-O! - Event Entry Form p15-16
- Editorial p19
- Noticeboard p19