Newsletter in PDF format <EPUB format> < MOBI format> <AZW3 format>
In this issue:
- Down South WARA Spring 24 hour + WA Schools Champs ... and ... the 2016 Australasian Rogaining Championships p1
- 2016 Volunteer Grid p3
- Paul’s Presidential Ponderings p4
- Flame Sister's Farewell p5
- Aus Champs Merchandise p5
- Wandering Wallabies: Results p6,7
- Event Results: Something New? p7
- Setters' Report: Wandering Wallabies p8
- WRC2016: World Rogaining Championships p9
- Bibbulmun and Bubbles: State Champs Results p10-11
- Setters' Report: Bibbulmun and Bubbles p12
- Bibbulmun and Bubbles: Editors' Route p13
- Post-WRC Course Setting Workshop p14
- WA Schools Champs Rules p14
- Down South - Event Entry Form p15-16
- Editorial p17
- Noticeboard p17