The Western Australian Rogaining Association uses the following Classes and Categories for entries into all events.

The codes we use are:

Teams Classes

Women W All team members are female.
Men M All team members are male.
Mixed X Team has at least one female AND at least one male.

Team Categories

Novice N All team members are competing in their first rogaine after their 10th birthday (not including 6 hour or shorter events).
Family F All team members must be a family composed of children and their parent(s) or step-parent(s) and at least one team member must be younger than 14 years of age.
Cadet C All team members are Cadets and are juniors in the majority (CALM Bush Rangers, Police, St. John's, SES, Army, Air Force, Navy).
University I All team members are students in any tertiary institution.
Juniors J All team members are 14 and over and are under 18 years.
Veterans V All team members are 45 years or age or over.
SuperVets S All team members are 55 years of age or over.
UltraVet U All team members are 65 years of age or over.

All ages are taken as the competitor's age on the 31st December of the year of the competition.

Any competitor under 14 must be accompanied by at least one member 18 or older.


2024 revision from WRF - new age cutoff for Veterans is 45 (old was 40), and new age determination is age in calendar year (old was age at time of event). See ARA Rules.

2024 We combined the ARC and State Championships, and introduced eligiblity criteria: "When the ARC and State Champs are combined, the eligibility for State Championships is a requirement for at least one member of the team to be a WA resident."