
$30 adult, $15 junior, free child.


Run Sheet:

7.00-7.30 am   Truck and trailer to arrive.

7.30-7.45 am   Portaloos to be delivered by Coates Hire.

7.30-9.00 am   Admin team to setup Admin using 2 pop-up tents. Also setup First aid pop-up.

9.00 am           Admin team to commence registration and handing out map and clue sheets 

10.00 am         Novice briefing

11.00 noon      Event starts

5.00-8.30 pm  Sausage sizzle (is this fire ban dependent?)

8.00 pm           Event finishes

8.30 pm           Read out results or earlier if available.

8.30-9.30 pm  Pack up Admin and First Aid.

9.30 pm           Coates Hire to pick up Portaloos
10.00 pm         All participants and volunteers to leave site by 10.00 pm

Maybe on Sunday 29th or the following week/weekend

 9.00-12.00       Control collection by about 10-15 participating or non-participating teams (allocate 3-4 controls to be collected per team) - (need to do promotion before the event by Email or Facebook to make sure that people make a commitment to help out)

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Tetratheca and Thomasia flowers


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Isopogon plants in full flower



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Spider Orchid


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Coneflowers and Smokebush


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Feather Flowers