Entry www.wa.rogaine.asn.au via Entry Central. Registrations close at 11:59pm on Wednesday 9th of November 2022.
Location Only half an hour from Perth but limited parking. Maybe think about taking the train.
Key times Registration and maps available from 12pm. Briefing 12:50pm. Start 1pm.
Facilities tba.
Maps TBA. Compasses are allowed but not really necessary. No GPS or equivalent. Use only the map provided - no separate street directory. Do not use PCs, Laptops, PDAs or mobiles for googling answers! (This is against the spirit of rogaining!) Also - no guessing! If we think you appear to have been transported in space by answering a question at a control impossibly far away, it will be disallowed - so there!
Scoring Instead of control cards to be punched competitors will be given a questionnaire with an answer column to be completed.
Equipment needed
- Writing implements (a clipboard may also help for easier writing, and highlighter pens may also be useful).
- Hat/sunscreen/ sunglasses, walking/running shoes, suitable clothing... it could be quite warm at this time of year.
- A compass isn't needed although some people like to have one for orientation at junctions or bland areas.
- Bring at least 1 litre of drinking water, per person, to the event. Whilst some parks have water taps, and there are some shops, for certain areas of the course you will need to be self-sufficient.
· Bring Chairs for a post-event sit down.