- Michael Dufty
- Ian Finnie
- Dale Clemons
- Lorraine Clemons
- 1.5 hours south of Perth.
Event schedule
- Event duration is 24 hours from 12 noon Saturday to 12 noon Sunday.
- Friday afternoon/evening before - most entrants arrive and camp for the night. We generally have a bbq setup for your use that evening. Often preregistration is available.
- Sat 8am - event maps become available and you have an opportunity to plan your course and outing prior to the start
- Sat 10am (approx) - a novice clinic is held for all those interested in getting an introduction to rogaining and navigation
- Sat 1145am - pre-event briefing at the start
- Sat 12 noon - event start - you are free to head out into the field and start scoring points by locating controls
- Sat 5pm - the Hash House opens and you are free to come and go and eat as you please
- Sun 12 noon - event finish - any team arriving after this time gets penalised 10 points per minute
- Sun 1230pm - event close - teams arriving after this time are disqualified
- Sun 1245pm - results are read out and badges awarded
- Sun 1pm - the Hash House closes
- Adult $60, Junior (under 18) $30, Child (under 10) Free
- Non-participants pay the same fee as participants (our costs are mainly food, facilities and transport).
- Entries close the Wednesday midnight 10 days before the event.
- Between 2 and 5 people per team.
- No refund for cancellations after close of entries.
Map and Course Notes
- Map details - TBA.
Transport and Directions
- Can be downloaded as per usual from the Monday of the week of the event..
Accommodation and Facilities
- We generally provide a large open area for camping (or a caravan) for Friday and Saturday nights, a Hash House, a camp fire and toilets. Bring your own drinking water.
- The Hash House provides tasty meals, food and beverages which are included in your event fees and operates from the afternoon of Saturday until just after the event closes about 1230 Sunday.
- Compass Hire (per person) is $5.00
- Team changes and additions (you can remove and add team members, as long as you stay within min 2 and max 5 people per team) at rego desk, bring cash for additional entry payments.
Further Info
If you don't have a team, you can contact the Rogaine Partner Matching Service at
Email Event Info